Change Timezone

When we provisioned our PBX,  we will provision it to USA Pacific Daylight Timezone.  You are free to change it to your own time zone.  Here is one of the easiest way.


1. login to your ssh console.  Below is an example of commands to change your timezone to london for example.  There are many timezone info in /usr/share/zoneinfo that you can choose from.

2. rm /etc/localtime

3.ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime


If your freepbx clock is still off.  please double check the following setting.  Note Amrecia/Denver is an example.  You will need to do pick your prefered timezone.

1. Edit: /etc/php.ini and add 0r edit the line:
date.timezone = 'America/Denver'

2. Add a time zone environment variable.
3 echo "export TZ=America/Denver" >> /etc/profile

4. Reboot server


UPDATE 12/1/2012.  For those who use PIAF 2.0.6.X>X,  you may use the following method.

cd /root
tar zxvf timezone-setup.tar.gz
rm timezone-setup.tar.gz

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