How to access console of your server


- Console access may require you to use browser that support TLS 1.0/1.1, like Chrome v97 or Firefox v88 or Safari or you will get "err_ssl_version_or_cipher_mismatch" or "SSL_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION" error.

And if you get any security warnings about the SSL certificate being invalid, just ignore and continue. Hint: Click "Advanced" (1) as seen here with Firefox then click "Accept the Risk and Continue" (2) button.

See here on how to enable TLS 1.0 on Firefox v99 or Higher.

UPDATES: If you use Micrososft Edge, you need to enable/load it in IE mode, then you need to open Internet Option app to enable TLS 1.0/1.1, see here.

- If you do not get a security warnings like that, then you need to change your browser and/or its settings to allow less security (We use Standard security, not Enhanced).

- Console need firewall port TCP 5900-5999 to be opened on your local PC

Steps to access the new web control panel to manage your server:

1. You login to our client area then click on the Product you want to access console on

2. There, as you can see here, just click the "noVNC" icon

- If you see black screen, just type any keys on your keyboard multiple times, to wake the screen up.
- And make sure your VPS is Started, not Stopped, if Stopped, click Start VPS first or you won't see anything on console.

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