Incredible PBX 2021 Administration

We've eased the pain of administering your new PBX with a collection of scripts which youwill find in the /root folder after logging in with SSH or Putty. Here's a quick summary ofwhat each of the scripts does.

add-fqdn is used to whitelist a fully-qualified domain name in the firewall. Because Incredible PBX 2021 blocks all traffic from IP addresses that are not whitelisted, this is whatyou use to authorize an external user for your PBX. The advantage of an FQDN is that youcan use a dynamic DNS service to automatically update the IP address associated with anFQDN so that you never lose connectivity.

add-ip is used to whitelist a public IP address in the firewall. See the add-fqdn explanationas to why this matters.del-acct is used to remove an IP address or FQDN from the firewall's whitelist.

admin-pw-change is used to set the admin password for access to the FreePBX/IncrediblePBX web GUI using a browser pointed to the local IP address of your server.

apache-pw-change is used to set the admin password for access to Apache/Incredible PBXapps including AsteriDex and Reminders. This provides a password layer of protection foraccess to these applications.

avantfax-email-change is used to change the destination email address for incomingfaxes.

avantfax-pw-change is used to change your admin password for the AvantFax webconsole.

iaxmodem-restart is used to restart the modems used to send and deliver faxes. Thepbxstatus display will tell you whether the IAXmodems are down.

incrediblebackup2021 makes a backup of critical components on your PBX to a tarballsaved in /backup. This should be copied to safe location off-site for a rainy day.incrediblerestore2021 restores a backup file which has been copied to the /backup folder.

ipchecker is a script which deciphers the public IP addresses associated with whitelisted FQDNs created with add-fqdn on your server. If any of the addresses have changed, thefirewall is restarted after updating the IP addresses. By default, it is executed every 10minutes by /etc/crontab. displays the license associated with each of the FreePBX modules on yourserver.

logos-b-gone removes proprietary artwork from your PBX and is no longer necessary withthe included IncrediblePBX FreePBX module.

mime-construct is a command-line utility to send emails with attachments.

neorouter-login is a script to add your PBX to a NeoRouter VPN. Tutorial here. is a script that was run to generate the ODBC settings for Asterisk. Do NOT use it.

openvpn-start is a script to add your PBX to an existing OpenVPN network using an .ovpnconfig file. Tutorial

pbxstatus displays status of all major components of Incredible PBX 2021.

pptp-install is a script to create a PPTP network connection for your PBX. Tutorial here.

purge-cdr-cel-records removes all CDR and CEL records from the MySQL database.

reset-conference-pins is a script that automatically and randomly resets the user andadmin pins for access to the preconfigured conferencing application. Dial C-O-N-F from anyregistered SIP phone to connect to the conference.

reset-extension-passwords is a script that automatically and randomly resets ALL of theSIP passwords for extensions 701-705. Be careful using this one, or you may disable existingregistered phones and cause Fail2Ban to blacklist the IP addresses of those users. HINT: Youcan place a call to the Ring Group associated with all five extensions by dialing 777.

reset-reminders-pin is a script that automatically and randomly resets the pin required toaccess the Telephone Reminders application by dialing 123. It's important to protect thisapplication because a nefarious user could set up a reminder to call a number anywhere inthe world assuming your SIP provider's account was configured to allow such calls.

show-feature-codes is a cheat sheet for all of the feature codes which can be dialed fromany registered SIP phone. It documents how powerful a platform Incredible PBX 2021actually is. A similar listing is available in the GUI at Admin -> Feature Codes.

show-passwords is a script that displays most of the passwords associated with IncrediblePBX 2021. This includes SIP extension passwords, voicemail pins, conference pins, telephonereminders pin, and your Anveo Direct outbound calling pin (if configured). Note that voicemail pins are configured by the user of a SIP extension the first time the user accessesthe voicemail system by dialing *97.

sig-fix disables Module Signature Checking in the FreePBX GUI. This should not benecessary unless you have added or edited FreePBX Modules with missing modulesignatures.

sms-skyetel is a script to send SMS messages using a Skyetel trunk. is a script to send SMS messages using a trunk.

sms-blast, sms-blaster, and sms-dictator are scripts for message blasting. Tutorial

switch-to-php5.6 is a script to disable PHP 7.3 and set PHP 5.6 as the default version foryour PBX. PHP 5.6 is required to use AvantFax. It is the default configuration for IncrediblePBX 2021. The current default PHP version is displayed in the Apache listing of pbxstatus.

switch-to-php7.3 is a script to disable PHP 5.6 and set PHP 7.3 as the default version foryour PBX. You cannot use AvantFax when PHP 7.3 is the default.

timezone-setup is a script to set the timezone for your PBX.update-IncrediblePBX is a script that runs the Automatic Update Utility whenever youlogin to your server as root. These updates typically resolve bugs and security issues withyour PBX. Do NOT remove it.

upgrade-asterisk16 is a script that runs on Asterisk 16 platforms to upgrade your PBX tothe latest release of Asterisk 16.

upgrade-asterisk18 is a script that runs on both Asterisk 16 and 18 platforms to upgradeyour PBX to the latest release of Asterisk 18.

wolfram is a script to deploy Wolfram Alpha on your PBX. Tutorial here.

Forwarding Calls to Your Cellphone. Keep in mind that inbound calls to your DIDsautomatically ring all five SIP extensions, 701-705. The easiest way to also ring yourcellphone is to set one of these five extensions to forward incoming calls to your cellphone. After logging into your PBX as root, issue the following command to forward calls fromextension 705 to your cellphone: asterisk -rx "database put CF 705 6781234567"

To remove call forwarding: asterisk -rx "database del CF 705"

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